
Visual studio for mac eventhandler
Visual studio for mac eventhandler

visual studio for mac eventhandler

When added, it will enumerate and instantiate all the objects you request in one operation. While you may be tempted to use the LINQ Take, that is not yet supported. If for UI-related or other implementation reasons you require a specific subset of objects from a query, it’s as simple as taking the IQueryable object, and reading out only the objects you need. Since queries in Realm are lazy, performing this sort of paginating behavior isn’t necessary at all, as Realm will only load objects from the results of the query once they are explicitly accessed. This is often done out of necessity to avoid reading too much from disk, or pulling too many results into memory at once. Most other database technologies provide the ability to paginate results from queries (such as the LIMIT keyword in SQLite). It is overloaded to take string, character or integer keys, eg: You can retrieve an object by PrimaryKey very quickly using Realm.Find which performs more streamlined query construction than using LINQ, as well as using an index. Trying to create another object with the same key will throw a RealmDuplicatePrimaryKeyValueException.

visual studio for mac eventhandler

Once an object with a PrimaryKey is added to a Realm, the PrimaryKey cannot be changed. Putting the attribute on multiple properties will compile but is validated at runtime and will throw an exception reporting that Schema validation failed, as soon as you try to open that Realm. They are supported only in case you already have a property of that type. There is no particular storage or performance advantage to using char or smaller integer types. Only chars, integral types, and strings can be used as PrimaryKeys. Declaring a PrimaryKey allows objects to be looked up and updated efficiently and enforces uniqueness for each value.

visual studio for mac eventhandler

The attribute can be specified on one property in a RealmObject class. You can subscribe to Realm notifications to know when Realm data in an object is updated, indicating when your app’s UI should be refreshed.


For example, if your UI code is dependent on a specific Realm object, you don’t need to worry about refreshing or re-fetching it before triggering a UI redraw. This aspect of RealmObject not only keeps Realm fast and efficient, it allows your code to be simpler and more reactive. Define your models like regular C# classes public class Dog : RealmObject myDog.

Visual studio for mac eventhandler